The New Videos I'm Writing

 The new videos I'm writing are pretty different from what I've ever put on the channel before. Basically, I have been taking writing more seriously over the past few years. It was always one of my favorite parts of doing Randomrings Channel in the first place. However, I want to actually work in writing. I'm trying to speed up this process because my current line of work, though lucrative enough to live off of, is physically shriveling me. I don't know how much more constant physical labor I can take.

What does this whining have to do with Randomrings Channel?

The new videos I have been thinking about putting out are going to be like storyboard sketch comedy? Kind of? If that makes sense. I'll still be doing reviews if I get the time to actually finish them in between. I've been wanting to write a few recently for a while, I'm just physically and emotionally broken. I am very inspired but my brain and body can't catch up anymore. And I'm not even 30. I'm fucking scared. I don't like this. That is to say that I need portfolio work and YouTube is a place to put a portfolio where I don't have to pay to host said content. The way it looks now, I can probably technically put this kind of thing on Newgrounds as well. If I understand the terms of service right, I can and will.

So instead of boring you with, I dunno, just raw script drafts, I will be writing stuff and then drawing it out like previous videos I have made over the past 2 years or so. It won't be animated. It won't be amazing to look at. It won't blow your fucking mind. But it will be a visual representation of something that I thought might be entertaining at one point.

Anyway, case in point to my body and mind not catching up with my ambition, I need to force myself to eat dinner and go to bed soon or I won't eat dinner and/or stay up all fucking night. I hope you enjoy what I come up with and here's to me actually finishing this stuff instead of just talking about.