That Time I Ranted About "The Goldbergs" on Twitter

I just really want to revisit and cherish this moment where I got so fed up with the mere existence of ABC sitcom The Goldbergs that I wrote a blog post's worth of tweets about it AND made a Twitter moment out of it later!

For those who don't use Twitter, I am going to post this below:
(I am going to write it all out below that too because the Twitter screenshots don't translate well on all monitors)

"I'm making this so I don't rant about it that often. Probably still will.

"There are much more pressing and repulsive things going on now but I have nothing to add to the discussion so:

"The Goldbergs is still running and it is written like a fucking toothpaste commercial now. It was awful before but now it won't even stick to its gimmick. Scratch that. I think at one point when I was a kid there was a toothpaste commercial line with a sentient set of human teeth. That's a funny idea on paper. The Goldbergs is not even a funny concept on paper. I'm probably just overwhelmed with my week and am taking it out on a beloved ABC sitcom. I can tell because I have always hated that show and it's such a hollow show that it's an easy target.

"You're allowed to like The Goldbergs and enjoy it if you want. I can't take that away from you. Don't want to. At the same time, you're blind if you complain about TV becoming shit. If you tune into that show, you're part of the problem and should be aware enough to see that. I kind of want to do a video on that show but that means I would have to sit through more episodes than I already have to make fair points and I don't know if that's worth it."

"If you pirate The Goldbergs... then... fuck, you're just a masochist, and I completed Sonic 3D Blast just to do a shitty video on YouTube about it, so that's really saying something. To each their own. If I was going to make a video on The Goldbergs, I would probably make easy comparisons to other shows that run around the same time on the same channel. The Middle and Modern Family. They are not perfect shows but they do what they do way fucking better than The Goldbergs.

"I'm not a big fan of The Middle but the writers, directors, producers, and probably casting agents knew that their kids would not be kids forever. Their characters grow from the past and it isn't ham-fisted. The audience can see it and feel like they were a part of that. Modern Family does the same things except every character grows, even the adults. The fucking grandpa has to learn shit about his gay son and it doesn't just work because it's topical, it's because the main cast of Modern Family is awesome. The cast makes that show. The Goldbergs is on Season 5 and things are slowly progressing but nothing important is changing because there was never anything important to begin with. By trying to make the show relatable to everyone, they created 5 alien characters that no one cares about. You can't.

"The guy that the story is allegedly based on, based on the home movie stuff at the end of each episode, probably has a creative mind. He's probably got some real mindfuck ideas in there but the show is such a corporate ABC dollhouse asylum that it doesn't matter. Even then, when something momentous or "important" happens in an episode, they usually ruin it by trying their damnedest to throw in an homage to 80's pop culture and it's so fucking distracting. Even if they almost hit it, they shoot themselves in the foot everytime. There was an episode where the plot was almost a complete abridged rip-off of A Christmas Story. I'm not exaggerating. I'm hyped on caffeine and kind of angry and tired and overwhelmed with a lot of stuff to do. So fuck The Goldbergs. If you don't know what it is, good."

Just wanted to point that out because whenever I remember that this is something I spent energy to do, it always gives me a laugh. I think this is mostly because I pretty much don't make any jokes or anything in this thread/moment. I'm not trying to be funny here and I think that unintentionally makes it way funnier. I hope you enjoyed that, I did.