Pokemon Sword and Shield Expansions

My dinner is done heating up in 3.5 minutes so I'm going to throw this up real fast.

I feel like $29.99 for expansions of two games that should NOT be two games is a fucking crime. It isn't but maybe it should be. Like, wow. What blows my mind is that so many people are praising the hell out of this and I feel like it's a robbery.

I haven't played Sword or Shield. I probably never will. I had my fun with Gen 1-6 and I'm pretty burnt out. Maybe there is something in Gen 8 that makes this not horrible but I'm not seeing it.

I will say though... those Galarian legendary birds look fucking good.

But seriously, it's 2020. Do you know how many actual GAMES you can get for $29.99 and probably still have money left over for a just as substantial game? Hell, getting a physical copy of a better Pokemon game will only cost about ten bucks more depending on which one it is. PokeFuck!

Okay. Dinner's ready. Sorry that this is the first blog post I made this year. What a year already.