
Sorry, I drama'd (disjointed OneyPlays rant)


That thread, assuming it still exists as you are reading this, is really all I have to say. But I'll say more because this is a blog!

So it's not a big secret to a lot of people that Oney or Chris O'Neil, or the guy that makes fun of Channel Awesome, or the Crash Bandicoot "woah" meme guy has had a history with some shit that some might call.... "problematic". I say that as a goof but also it's true.

Why am I ranting about this? Because I have no fucking life.

So here is the rant I made in case that thread I made gets yeeted:

Whhhooooops! I didn't even know about this when I made fun of his racist, misogynist let's plays with that one video I made. Nobody told me this. This was way back when.

So, I don't know why this is the last straw for me but like, I don't want to think about this guy anymore.

"This" is referring to a tweet Chris made on March 10th, promoting his brand-spanking new rarible account!

It sucks because I feel like he's not the worst person in the world. Like, his heart's in the right place but his brain is stuck in 2008 newgrounds and youtube.

Anyway, he's a stranger on the internet and I just wanted to rant about this before I shut up about him forever.

I have publicly said I watch "too much *neyPlays" for a few years now. I know it's easy to say this now but I mostly just like the people who aren't Chris? If that makes sense. Almost every time I've been annoyed with the channel is because of Chris.

Also, you can look up his screenname and "black lives matter" where he tries to back up calling the movement a "cult" and an "organization" that was attacking old men sitting in their cars or something? Yyyyyeah... It's yikers all around and I feel like a dumbass.

On top of that, I follow artists/animators who have been like "no, I indirectly know the guy and have seen him argue racist shit". One had discord screenshots. Way to be an ally to your POC friends and then do all that at the same time.

I couldn't find the discord screenshot but I found a conversation talking about middle eastern culture and Chris being a cunt about it. The fact that I believe this either means I'm an idiot or one dude kind of dug his own grave in terms of looking like he's learned anything from online criticism and the person I heard this allegory from is someone who does not have a history of using slurs for a quick lawl.

I don't know. Normally, I'm not that vocal about this sort of thing but I feel like I've mentioned Chris publicly a few times, some recently, and I just feel like a dumbass for not forgetting about the fucker sooner.

I genuinely hope he figures his shit out and gets better but he's a stranger on the internet so I'm not worried about it.

It just sucks that someone so genuinely multi-talented can also manage to be this stupid while calling other people "stupid ugly bitches" in the process.

If there's a positive to this, it's more inspiration for me to work on my let's plays and Randomrings videos. People can feel included or at least safe (hopefully both) with my stuff.

Theeeeeeeee end of the thread! :]

I don't have much to add to this other than I guess "evidence" in one place. Not all the evidence, mind you. When I said I don't have a life earlier, I was kind of exaggerating. Just a few things I want to document. Fun fact, I stumbled upon the NFT post looking for one of these specific things to edit into a video. Weirdly, not a lot of this stuff is the easiest to find. It's weird. When a Hollywood celebrity or queer YouTube creator does this stuff, you can find at least find 8 different posts about this kind of thing or whatever else but not much else. But I will put this here in case anyone is like "that didn't happen" or "he's an innocent baby boy, and I luv him!" or "it's the cansel coltcher!" Now others can go "well, I found this". I guess.

 I can't find the original tweet in anything that's not cropped or blurry like this but I've seen people talk about it in the past year and I saw it myself when he said it. It was in 2020 so read into that how you fucking will. Or tell yourself it's not racist because he didn't say the n-word. In this specific instance. I dunno. The point of this blog post isn't to convince you that he's a bigot, it's just to sort out my feelings on the guy after a long time of sitting on it. I'm happy to be the libcuck throwing themself under the bus to do so.

If you want more proof, watch any fucking Oneyplays that lasts 3 or more episodes since the channel's inception and you will find something ableist, racist, sexist, or a good ol' fashioned sexual assault joke!


I particularly think of this one a lot because people use a certain excuse that this kind of debunks. "Well, he's friends with this person or these people and they're (not cishet white man) so he's fine! If he was a bigot, you would know" (literally just saw this as an actual argument on Tumblr AND Reddit by two separate people or a very dedicated idiot with different screennames). Well, that particular clip is with two gay people and he's just blurting the f-slur. This wasn't terribly long ago so you can't even make that bullshit excuse for him either, you know the one. There are multiple episodes I remember watching at least twice where they both call him out for this behavior. He still used the f-slur and r-slur in 2020 and 2021 episodes. Unfortunately I know that from directly watching them.

Anyway, this was too much time spent on a person on the internet I don't know personally. It's just weird because this is a guy a lot of people have been aware of for nearly 20 years now and I have found way more people defending his "political views" than I have found anyone going "nah, he's a bigot." Like, very VERY rarely do you see anyone just outwardly call him racist. I've seen it happen from some badasses but it's like once every three years where he does something stupider. I have also seen many people say today "he's just really stupid when it comes to these sorts of issues." What sort? Race? Then they continue to say "he should run his posts by someone else so he doesn't land in hot water". Bitch, I don't care how he *looks* in the public eye, it's about what he says and does as a public figure. If he wants to throw other people under the bus and goof on them for being idiots because "they're in the public eye and should learn how to take a joke" then I guess dunking on him should be perfectly fine. By his own logic. So anyone who tries to "defend" him or "debate" me probably just can't take a "joke". "Quotation marks".

Alright, time to expend my energy on literally anything else. This felt good. All I have to add is I have talked about OneyPlays specifically a few times, whether or not I have been critical of Chris's bigotry within the same instance. I guess I never really went out of my way to defend him in the past but I didn't outright condemn him until recently and I feel guilty for not starting a lot sooner I suppose.

Don't worry, you won't be hearing about this again. Thanks for your time and I hope this did something for you too. I say that a lot but this was a lot to take in with no real payoff from mentally consuming this. So I uh... superhope you got something out of this blog post in particular. Be safe!